Pest Control
  • Roundup QuikPro 6.8 lb Herbicide Weed Killer

    Roundup QuikPro is probably one of the most popular herbicide on the market and there's simply one reason: it just works. This is a non-selective herbicide that is designed to eliminate various species of broadleaf and grass weeds, woody brush and various types of trees. Non-selective herbicide means this will eliminate all vegetation in areas that come in contact with the product. 

    The active ingredients are: 73.3% glyphosate and 2.9% Diquat dibromide. 

    What makes the Roundup Quikpro different than normal Roundup is the strength of the active ingredient. This is the strongest version that can be purchased. 

    The mix rate is 1.5 ounce per gallon of water. This 6.8 pound pail will mix 72 gallons of finished product.