Pest Control
  • Advion Insect Granule

    Advion insect granule contains the active ingredient, indoxacarb, in a formulation that is highly attractive to house crickets, field crickets, cockroaches, silverfish and nuisance ants. Used as a rescue/curative treatment, applications of Advion insect granule made in the late summer and fall can control large mole cricket nymphs and newly emerged adults, which are destructive pests on golf courses.

    Advion insect granule is effective when used outdoors as a broadcast, perimeter or boundary treatment in residential and commercial landscaped areas, golf courses, parks, recreational areas and sports and/or athletic fields. Its non-repellent, low-odor formulation is designed to thoroughly control insect pests in heavily mulched areas. 

    Used indoors, Advion insect granule can be applied to attractive harborage areas for many perimeter pests such as attics, basements and crawl spaces.

    Used on the following: Mole Cricket adults and nymphs, House Crickets, Field Crickets, Earwigs, Silverfish, and Ants (except Red Imported Fire Ants, Harvester Ants, Carpenter Ants and Pharoah Ants), and Cockroaches
